Archives for June 2021

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Why Is Taking on the Role of a Servant for a Christian Leader so Difficult Yet so Necessary?


I witnessed an antithesis of the servant-leader mindset in a pastor who pressured his small congregation to pay a full-time salary fitting for the work he was putting in, an amount well above the church’s budget. He demanded greater sacrifice of them based on the scriptural standard that “the laborer is worthy of his wages.” Another church leader displayed an admirab...

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The 1879 Revival in the Margaree Valley Baptist Church (Part 3)


The following is written by G. W. McPherson, A Parson’s Adventures, (Yonkers, New York: Yonkers Book Company, 1925), 37ff. The headings were created by Pastor Ross Morrison of Alberton Baptist Church. Ross & his wife Wendy were brought up in Margaree Valley, Cape Breton....

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The 1879 Revival in the Margaree Valley Baptist Church (Part 2)


The following is written by G. W. McPherson, A Parson’s Adventures, (Yonkers, New York: Yonkers Book Company, 1925), 37ff. The headings were created by Pastor Ross Morrison of Alberton Baptist Church. Ross & his wife Wendy were brought up in Margaree Valley, Cape Breton....

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The 1879 Revival in the Margaree Valley Baptist Church (Part 1)


The following is written by G. W. McPherson, A Parson’s Adventures, (Yonkers, New York: Yonkers Book Company, 1925), 37ff. The headings were created by Pastor Ross Morrison of Alberton Baptist Church. Ross & his wife Wendy were brought up in Margaree Valley, Cape Breton....

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