Posts Tagged with "Church"

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We are living in confusing times and there have been many voices calling us to always trust God and rest in Him (Psalm 62), to maintain unity through Christ in the bond of peace (John 17:20-23, Ephesians 4:1-3), and to keep the proclamation and modelling of the gospel the main thing while avoiding a myriad of distractions, pre, mid, and post-COVID (Matthew 28:16-20). These...

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Why Is Taking on the Role of a Servant for a Christian Leader so Difficult Yet so Necessary?


I witnessed an antithesis of the servant-leader mindset in a pastor who pressured his small congregation to pay a full-time salary fitting for the work he was putting in, an amount well above the church’s budget. He demanded greater sacrifice of them based on the scriptural standard that “the laborer is worthy of his wages.” Another church leader displayed an admirab...

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The Voice of the Church Amid the Pandemic


The year 2020 will certainly be marked in our memories as one of the most challenging of the century. The pandemic has brought unique struggles that are testing the church’s steadfastness to its mission of proclaiming the Gospel....

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Rural Ministry? The Forgotten Church


I am a farm boy ...

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What Church Can Be

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A Book Review: What Church Can Be: An Optimistic Vison with Some Blueprints. Matthew Kruse. Maitland, FL: Xulon Press, 2020, 317 pp., paperback. ISBN 978-1-63050-564-6...

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To My Brothers in Arms


We are weary. We are struggling. We have probably thought about quitting. Yet, we can do it, united to Christ....

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