Seeking to Serve Atlantic Canada as We Look Ahead

This year has been unlike any other that most of us can remember. This might even apply to us in some greater ways here in Atlantic Canada. Yes, all our provinces are affected by the global pandemic. However, there have been some unique circumstances we have felt on the eastern shores of Canada. We have made a bubble away from the rest of our county. Earlier this year we were struck by the deadliest shooting spree in Canadian history. Our military has suffered tragic loss in aircraft accidents. The world has watched as a lobster dispute has been ongoing in Nova Scotia.
These circumstances, and many others, serve as a reminder for us that the only true hope for individuals is in Jesus Christ. The intent of The Gospel Coalition Atlantic Canada is to strengthen and support churches in our region as they seek to proclaim Jesus and His Kingdom. Our region is diverse and vast. We have a unique identity. Ministry is often different here than it is south of the border in America, or even in other parts of our own country. We need to be equipping ourselves with applications of the gospel that are unique to our context.
Also, we seek to help every believer apply the gospel to all of life. Our Christian life is not a life for Sunday mornings alone or for only watching a church service online. Jesus cares about our work, our homes, our bodies, all our existence. He is present, He cares, He is working. Our desire is to help believers flourish in their walk with Jesus.
As we seek to renew our efforts to aid the church in Atlantic Canada, we want to update you on three focuses we have for the remainder of 2020 and into 2021.
First, we have recently hired our first staff member for TGC Atlantic. We are pleased to announce our first Director, Andy Ardern. Andy has served in pastoral ministry for nine years and been on our council for the last four years. He holds a Bachelor of Theology from Covington Theological Seminary and Master of Theological Studies from Reformed Baptist Seminary. After serving for seven years as the pastor of Cumberland Bay Baptist Church, he now serves as the Resident for Church Planting and Church Renewal at PAXnorth Church in Halifax. By the grace of God, he hopes to soon be planting a church here in our region.
Next, most of us are now much better acquainted with doing ministry via a digital platform. And we also have been adapting. On our social media pages, we have posted several “round-table” conversations with different ministry focuses for our region. These will continue with more relevant topics which we hope are helpful to you. Our website will also become more active with more regular content. (One of our last blogs was a reflection on the 2016 US presidential election!)
Finally, we are looking towards two conferences in 2021. That’s right, two! Our first will be in early February, which will be held across Atlantic Canada online and in small watch party host sites. God willing, we also look forward to our next in person bi-annual conference in October of 2021. Stay tuned for more details on both these events.
May The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
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