Mature and Multiply

(M)ature and (M)ultiply a training cohort in Atlantic Canada for potential church leaders
Wednesday, June 8, 8pm MEET AND GREET via ZOOM
We are starting a Church Leadership training for Atlantic Canada. This is designed for those who are hoping to grow as leaders in their local churches but may not know where to start. See more details in the comments then fire me a PM if you are interested or have a potential leader who is. We already have leaders from three provinces interested, and we’d love to have more!
What is the (M)ature and (M)ultiply Training?
(M)ature & (M)ultiply is a one to two year program aimed at maturing disciples and helping identify ministry leaders in the local church. In helping the local churches in our region we are also hoping to identify potential church planters & revitalizers who may be investigating their call to these ministries. Year one is aimed at the church leader maturing and can be for anyone interested in growing, helping or being a part of church ministry (including planting or revitalizing) in any way. The second year is aimed at helping those with potential
to church plant or revitalize to discern whether they should pursue that calling.
Year one in the program requires that each participant read the assigned book and submit a theological paper each month before the cohort session so that they are ready to discuss (all books and articles are provided for students who are accepted into the program). The theological goal of year one in this training is to build a proper Biblical thinking around such topics as the Character of God, the Bible, a Healthy Church, Evangelism, Church Planting, etc.
Year two is designed to be completed as part of a ministry internship. If a student desires to move into the second year of the program they will be asked to enter into a formal ministry internship that seeks to develop the Character, Competency and Call of the student. This would be completed as part of coaching under a pastor/elder. We are committed to helping provide coaching and resources for local churches and pastors to do this well.
Interested? Want to sign up or know more? PM [email protected]
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