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A Canadian Pastor Reflects On The US Election

As I have observed the campaign, election, and post election reaction and analysis, the predominant word that comes to mind is fear. ...

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Conference reminder! Register today for a chance to win 5 free books! Due date for draw is July 29th

Conference reminder! Register today for a chance to win 5 free books! Due date for draw is July 29th!...

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Conference is Approaching! Have You Registered?

We are so pleased to see the conference dates nearing and details coming together. As can be expected in conferences, we've had to make some minor adjustments to our speaker line up, however, we're also excited to see it growing!...

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2016 Atlantic Canada Conference - The Trinity - One God: Three Persons

Announcing the 2016 Atlantic Canada Conference - The Trinity - One God: Three Persons....

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Important Announcement

Status of TGC 2015, Looking ahead and how you can get involved. ...

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2014 TGC Conference Reflection Video

Here's a brief reflection video from our 2014 TGC Conference "Amazing Grace"....

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2014 Amazing Grace Conference Photos

Here are some photo's from our 2014 Amazing Grace Conference...

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#TGCAtlantic - Official Twitter Hashtag for the Conference

The official hashtag for the 2014 "Amazing Grace" Conference is #TGCAtlantic...

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John Piper Shares "The Doctrines of Grace Are My Life" by Desiring God

Great video by John Piper sharing about how "The Doctrines of Grace Are My Life" via Desiring God...

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Announcing: Mary Kassian & Brent Kassian

TGC Atlantic Canada proudly announces the addition of Mary Kassian and Brent Kassian to the already great line up of speakers for our August 5-7, 2014 conference. ...

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